Event: The Alchemy of Reconciliation: A Workshop for Women, Men, & Healing Across Genders
October 11-13, 24
Co-Hosted by: Gender Equity & Reconciliation International (GERI) & The Center for Healing Arts & Sciences
3-Day workshop held at a location in the Montrose area of Houston

Early Bird: $450, After Oct 1: $500 Spots are limited so act fast if this work calls to you!


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A Message From Leila-Scott M. Price, MAOM, L.Ac.,

I am thrilled to let you know about an opportunity for healing that is going to be taking place! I hope you will join me and/or forward this email to help us spread the word. All who are called to this healing work are encouraged to join.

It will be a 3-day workshop intensive for men, women, and healing across the genders. And offers a process which leads to the opening of new pathways to gain respect, intimacy, and collaboration between us.

It will be taking place on October 11, 12, & 13 and The Center for HAS is proud to be co-hosting this event with the founders of Gender Equity & Reconciliation International (GERI).

I have been trained as a facilitator in this healing process and will be participating partly as co-host, partly as facilitator and am very much looking forward to experiencing this pathway to healing with you.

Please consider joining us (and act quickly as space is limited).

With love, care, and visions of a gender healed world,

❤️ Leila-Scott

Points of Interest & Answers to Anticipated Questions:

  • This is a healing process that is trued & true, developed and refined over 30 years and has been endorsed by Desmond Tutu
  • This work aims to heal the human family. The pain that lives in and between the genders hurts us all, not just women and has been introduced in 18 countries
  • Different from many other gender support groups, GERI work brings the genders together to heal together
  • Participants are brought into the safety of a well-held container to do their gender healing work. This healing might look like:
    • Recovery from the gender conditioning we’ve received within our families of origin or messages from culture,
    • Healing gender-related generational trauma.
    • A much needed opportunity for men who don’t feel seen or understood in what’s hard and lonely about being a man to be witnessed and seen in their struggle.
    • Healing from sexual perpetration of one kind or another
    • Healing from the various other presentations of women’s oppression.
  • You do not have to be in relationship to heal through this work.
  • If you are in relationship, it is lovely to do with your partner. If your partner is not called to the work, it is totally okay for you to do it without them.
  • GERI is a workshop process that takes place ALL over the world – it is a BIG deal that this offering is in such an accessible location at an accessible price here in Houston and that TEXAS is getting an opportunity to heal in this way through this particular container
  • That said, pl do travel all over the world to experience this healing so please know that out of town and out of state participants are most welcome
  • This workshop has been placed at a very accessible price, and scholarships are available too if needed. Please don’t let price get in the way of your participation if this healing opportunity calls to you.
  • Gender equity is #5 of the United Nations goals for 2030 agreed upon by the world’s leaders. (We have a long way to go.) Here is what the UN says about the issues around gender equity: Gender bias is undermining our social fabric and devalues all of us. It is not just a human rights issue; it is a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential. By denying women equal rights, we deny half the population a chance to live life at its fullest. Political, economic and social equality for women will benefit all the world’s citizens. Together we can eradicate prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all.