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Holistic Nutrition

 A new approach to Holistic Healthy Living in Houston, Texas.

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Holistic Nutrition Therapies

Holistic Nutrition 
Holistic Healthy Living

We all have different learning styles, and many of us have hobbies or skills we’ve always wanted to learn but struggled with picking up. Our one-on-one holistic nutrition sessions will empower you to achieve your goals with a personalized plan and strategies for success.

Our resident Holistic Nutritionist specializes in the art of teaching and learning – we help you define what habits or skills you want to learn and the best way for you specifically to internalize new information.

With a Holistic Nutritionist, you can expect to work on concrete skill development in identifying habit changes, emotional intelligence, accountability, and optimizing your learning by identifying barriers to progress and developing strategies to overcome them.

Utilizing this service alongside therapy and acupuncture is a great opportunity for our clients who place a high value on concrete skill development alongside emotional work and body health.

A holistic nutritionist will:

  • Help you execute the strategies to accomplish a healthier lifestyle
  • Help you PRACTICE healthy habits/have a greater understanding of:
    • Nutrition Physiology
    • Mechanisms of Disease
    • Digestive Health
    • Perimenopause/Menopause/Post-menopause
    • Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
    • Managing Inflammation
    • Balancing Blood Sugar
    • Exercise Guidance
    • Sleep hygiene routine
    • Emotional Resilience Strategies
    • Understanding Nutrition (i.e. glycemic index, micro/macronutrients, how to achieve a balanced meal)
    • Weight loss
    • Stress management
    • Personal relationships(i.e. Improving upon your Emotional Intelligence)
    • Spiritual resources: Human Design and The Gene Keys
    • Help you identify and overcome obstacles that feel insurmountable on your own
    • Hold you accountable to your desired outcomes
    • Provide a structure for you to follow and self-evaluate
    • Have meaningful conversations with you so we arent just putting a band aid on top of the root issues
    • Listen, Support and Provide feedback
    • Celebrate your little and big wins
    • Help you increase your level of awareness and self-responsibility

Our Therapies

What are the main goals of your Holistic Nutritionist:

  • Improving client’s self-knowledge & self-awareness for clear and concrete transformation
  • Clarifying the most important integral health concepts
  • Identifying obstacles and applying adequate strategies for successful application
  • Supporting the client in forming habits within the Foundations of Health: Sleep and Relaxation, Exercise and Movement, Stress, Relationships, Nutrition.
  • Working from a bioindividual lense, meaning you will not be “put into a box”, focus is on the individual and how to support their unique picture of health.
  • Providing a container for emotional safety so that you’re able to feel motivated and empowered for change. 

This Coaching is Holistic in two senses:

  • First it takes into account the body, mind and soul of a person. This means the coach is working with the intelligence, emotions and willpower of their client.
  • Second, it focuses on many wellness areas (as mentioned before): each one of these holding great importance and intimately related to the others, in a way that by improving on one, the others will follow suit.

A sampling of how these areas of improvement can be handled in the program:

Nutrition Classes

Educational classes that include information on:

  • Systems of the body
  • Disease and chronic conditions that can arise within these systems
  • Nutrition to support these systems and manage symptoms related to specific health conditions

Customized Nutrition Plan/One-on-One Sessions

This plan is tailored to your specific needs, preferences, tastes and goals.

This is intended to support everyone across the board, from those with chronic health conditions to those looking to improve vitality and quality of life through the foundations of health.

Together we’ll look to bring more awareness and actively create positive changes for each of the

Foundations of Health:
– Sleep and Relaxation
– Exercise and Movement
– Stress
– Relationships
– Nutrition

You’ll receive a plan that is unique to your experience and physiology. Much of this plan will be focused on the nutrition piece of the puzzle as this is the nutritionist’s area of expertise. This plan includes nutrition and lifestyle recommendations as well as a 3-day meal plan.

Additional resources will be sent for education on nutrition and lifestyle specific to the individual’s concerns/interests. This could be a number of things from tips for reading nutrition labels, a blueprint for a healthy and delicious meal, to resources on herbs and supplements that align with your constitution.

Session 1 90 minutes:

Intake session – This first session together will be a gathering information meeting, health history, current presenting issues, goals and dreams for your health.

At the end of the session we’ll set some initial goals for the week.

Between sessions:

You – Work to fulfill initial goals

Holistic Nutritionist –

  • Create customized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations and a 3-day meal plan
  • Available to you for any questions throughout the week

    Session 2 90 minutes:

    – Review recommendations and meal plan
    – Connect on how the week went – whether the goals set were fulfilled or not, feelings around making changes and adjustments for the following week.
    – Support on how to make changes that are sustainable, positive changes that can become long lasting and second nature.

    After the initial 2 sessions, one-on-one sessions can be held with any of the following  options. The choice can be made together with your coach. Some need true hand-holding for the first few weeks to get on track, others do well on their own with just 2-4 meetings/month:

    • Meeting twice a week
    • Meeting weekly
    • Meeting bi-weekly

    One-on-One Follow-up Sessions

    • You will begin each session by checking in with your nutritionist, giving an update on how you are doing, what is new and different, and how you feel.
    • The nutritionist will impart whatever knowledge may be useful to you for your continued learning & success, upon which you will reflect together and then look for ways to apply it.
    • Together with your nutritionist, you will establish three newSMART goals, which will all be working towards your main objective established during your initial session. These goals are established to be met in the following days and then reviewed together at the next session.
      • SMART GOALS =Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timely
    • As you reach the goals determined by & with the help of your coach, you will over time form habits that belong to you (you earned them!!).
    • The coach will nonjudgmentally ask if you have met your goals or not and for what reasons. If not, that information will be taken as a learning opportunity. You will discuss whether the strategies should be changed & if different goals should be established for the following week in order to set you up for success.
    • Advice, tips and different strategies will be given as needed throughout the process.


    Benefits of the program (What will you get out of this investment in yourself?)

    • Strategies and techniques for your own personal & real life
    • Consistency through accountability which leads to new habit formation
    • Self-awareness and improved emotional intelligence
    • Optimal state of being in many different areas: nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, spirituality, personal relationships
    • LONG term changes & benefits
    • Avoiding decision fatigue, therefore having more energy to deal with other complexities in life
    • Motivation and energy to Thrive

    This program is for you if:

    • You wish to integrate all aspects of your well-being (mind, body, spirit)
    • You wish to improve your physical wellbeing and/or appearance
    • You want to achieve long-term results
    • You are willing to commit to a lifestyle of wellbeing


    The Center For Healing Arts & Sciences

    320 Branard St, Houston, TX 77006

    Our Location

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    320 Branard St, Houston, TX 77006

    Call or Text Us: (713) 526-4444