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Current issues and topics related to Acupuncture, Mental Health, Group Therapy, Jungian Analysis, Holistic Health, Meditation, Mindfulness and Healing the Body and Mind.
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Transform Your Wellness Journey
Houston’s Integrated Wellness Center
Recent Posts
Dreaming Big & Remembering Desire
It can, at times, be virtuous to use restraint. There are times that a holding back of desire is truly called for and...
Can’t Sleep?
At The Center, we put a lot of attention on both waking and sleeping dreams. We explore how to dream bigger and how t...
Living the Dream
“The dream is a living thing, by no means a dead thing that rustles like dry paper. It is a living situation; it is...
Cycle of Giving & Receiving: A Holistic Approach
Did you know that giving and receiving need each other to exist? Did you know that all opposites need one another to ...
The Process of Becoming Free
The Layers We Collect In this lifetime, as we grow up, we seem to simultaneously create who we are, and lose who we a...
The Five Greatest Stressors of Young Adults Today: An Initiation into Adulthood
The transition into adulthood is not merely a chronological milestone but a sacred act—an initiation of the soul in...
Complex Trauma and Recovery
Trauma – There’s Not Just One Kind The word “trauma” has become a pop culture buzzword, leading to both g...
What’s the Difference Between Therapy and Analysis?
When it comes to mental health, many people find themselves asking: What’s the difference between therapy and anal...
Isolation Epidemic: The Importance of Group Therapy for Men II
PART 2 What makes the group safe enough for men to go against the deeply ingrained cultural pressure to white-knuckle...
Isolation Epidemic: The Importance of Group Therapy for Men I
PART 1 The statistics on men’s mental health are alarming. These references are from 2020 and 2021: Men (79% of 38,...
Demulcents to Support Digestion
What are Demulcents? The meaning of the word demulcent is soothing and this is exactly the action it can take. Demulc...
A Holistic Approach to the Luteal Phase
Looking at the menstrual cycle through an energetic lens: luteal phase energetics: There are 4 main phases of the men...
5 Ways Your Favorite Fragrances May Be Disrupting Your Hormones (And what to do about it.)
Scent is a powerful thing. Certain aromas have the unique ability to evoke vivid memories and associations, or produc...
The Alchemy of Reconciliation Event – Join Us
Event: The Alchemy of Reconciliation: A Workshop for Women, Men, & Healing Across Genders October 11-13, 24 Co-Ho...
How you can manage anxiety with meditation and mindfulness
For many of us, anxiety is an all-too-familiar companion in our daily lives. It’s that knot in your stomach before ...
Go with your Gut: Increase Serotonin by Improving Gut Health
The Gut-Brain Axis The gut-brain axis is a communication network that connects the gut and the brain, allowing them t...
Coping with Holiday Stress
I’ve heard many people echo the sentiment that this holiday season hasn’t felt relaxing, or even slowed down. Man...
Added Sugar: Are You (And Your Kids) Ready For the Emotional Rollercoaster Ride?
Written By Susana Sanchez, Holistic Health Coach We’ve heard many times that what we put in our body directl...
Taking a Break
What is inside of a pause, inside a break? What is allowed to come to life because of a pause we took and what space ...
Welcome To Summer!
Whether we’re concerned about questions we have regarding our health, decisions of the heart and other importan...
Tattoos and Transitions
I got my first tattoo when I was 45, so it can hardly be explained as an act of youthful rebellion. By that point I h...
Reframing Fertility
Using supportive language to frame your fertility journey Where Do We Begin When We Treat Infertility? With an invita...
Valentine’s Brownie With a Boost!
This Valentine’s (or anytime you need a chocolate fix) enjoy this brownie inspired by the never disappointing molt...
Self-Love versus Other-Love
First, let’s define the versions of love that we’ll be talking about here: Self-love is when we ...
Dreaming Big & Remembering Desire
It can, at times, be virtuous to use restraint. There are times that a holding back of desire is truly called for and...
Can’t Sleep?
At The Center, we put a lot of attention on both waking and sleeping dreams. We explore how to dream bigger and how t...
Living the Dream
“The dream is a living thing, by no means a dead thing that rustles like dry paper. It is a living situation; it is...
Cycle of Giving & Receiving: A Holistic Approach
Did you know that giving and receiving need each other to exist? Did you know that all opposites need one another to ...
The Process of Becoming Free
The Layers We Collect In this lifetime, as we grow up, we seem to simultaneously create who we are, and lose who we a...
The Five Greatest Stressors of Young Adults Today: An Initiation into Adulthood
The transition into adulthood is not merely a chronological milestone but a sacred act—an initiation of the soul in...
Complex Trauma and Recovery
Trauma – There’s Not Just One Kind The word “trauma” has become a pop culture buzzword, leading to both g...
What’s the Difference Between Therapy and Analysis?
When it comes to mental health, many people find themselves asking: What’s the difference between therapy and anal...
All Posts
Dreaming Big & Remembering Desire
It can, at times, be virtuous to use restraint. There are times that a holding back of desire is truly called for and appreciated. Say, for instance, there are only 4 pieces of pizza and 4 hungry people to feed. It would clearly be greedy to take more than one piece...
Cycle of Giving & Receiving: A Holistic Approach
Did you know that giving and receiving need each other to exist? Did you know that all opposites need one another to exist? That we could not turn something “on” if we couldn’t also turn that thing “off”; that what we understand as “cold” would be completely different...
Happy Autumnal Equinox!
Welcome to Fall, folks. Even in Houston we’re feeling it. Cooler temps, rain, maybe you’re even noticing a change in mood from feeling super care-free to feeling a bit more serious or melancholy. Even if your mood hasn’t changed, we’re guessing your schedule probably...
Most of you reading this live in Hot-town Houston where we are all sweating it out together right now. And some of you have escaped to cooler climates…sigh, just thinking about cooler climates brings sweet relief. Yet, even in cooler climates, on our side of the...
A Parents’ Guide for a COVID-19 Summer
Summer’s Here: A Parents’ Guide for Meeting the Challenge During the COVID-19 Pandemic There’s a little extra chaos and commotion in many homes nowadays due to the uncertainty of this time. School is essentially out for the summer leaving parents scrambling around,...
How Parents Can Keep Kids and Themselves Busy and Learning
This is a strange, confusing, and new time for parents and kids alike. Moms and Dads, we know it’s overwhelming to not only have to work from home, but to simultaneously take on roles as teachers, entertainers, babysitters, cooks, and coaches ALL AT ONCE. With many...
Undressing Libido
What comes to mind when you read the term libido? Oh, come on, don’t be bashful. You know you are thinking that libido is the way we speak about psychic energy that is directed between the polarity of opposites: inner/outer, up/down, full/empty, and so on. Wait, you...
Can’t Sleep?
At The Center, we put a lot of attention on both waking and sleeping dreams. We explore how to dream bigger and how to engage those wild, nonsensical dreams that happen when you’re asleep. But you may fall into the category of a non-dreamer simply because sleep eludes...
How Play Is Beneficial In Helping Children Process Stress & Trauma
Play for many can be defined as a period in which imaginative, relaxing, and self-directed activities occur. Play allows us to step in to a space where we are allowed to dance between the spaces of real life and alternate realities. This access to play and being able...
Parents Guide To A Better Relationship With Your Child This New School Year
Summer vacation is winding down, and by now we've all just adjusted into the summer schedule, but the stress of an upcoming school year (if it’s actually happening) is on the horizon. Sprinkle in the normal stress of parenting PLUS work, and everything in between and...
We humans do not come into this world as a blank slate or an empty vessel. We emerge from the womb with a set of predestined needs, desires, and expectations that are paradoxically both universal and also unique to each individual. Carl Jung, in his depth exploration...
Pan and the forest dark Part 2
Part 2 of a three part series. For Part 1 click here As we all, hopefully, Humpty Dumpty requires a few Band-Aids, some duct tape, a significant makeover, a psychological evaluation, and maybe a lobotomy. Patterns and routines that need to change quickly melt away,...
Pan and the forest dark
A three part series. Jung once observed that “The gods have become diseases; Zeus no longer rules Olympus but rather the solar plexus and produces curious specimens for the doctor’s consulting room” (CW 13; §54). This is an idea that vexed me when I first heard it....
“God created our skin tones with beautiful variety, but all of our souls are the same color.” -Dave Willis
One of the fundamental paradoxes of our human experience is that we seem to be as much alike as we are unique. Life is a tug-of-war between similarity and individuality, between connection and independence. Whether it’s the family we’re born into, family of choice, or...
Living the Dream
“The dream is a living thing, by no means a dead thing that rustles like dry paper. It is a living situation; it is like an animal with feelers or with many umbilical cords.” C. G. Jung “I had the weirdest dream last night.” How often have we said that, or...
All Hallows’ Eve
As spring is associated with birth and new beginnings, fall is the season associated with death and endings. But before you start thinking of this is a negative thing, remember that there can be no new beginnings without endings. Whether we have to experience a little...
Psychoanalysis and Music: Listening to the Balance
I feel very fortunate to be a member of the talented and diverse team at The Center for the Healing Arts and Sciences. I am a Jungian Analyst in Training at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAP Zurich), though becoming a Jungian analyst is something...
Change – Inside and Out
We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die. -W. H. Auden, from The Age of Anxiety We begin therapy because we want to change something. Often therapy is a last resort,...
Prison or Paradise? Introverts, Extroverts and Social Distancing
Today we use the terms introvert and extrovert in everyday conversation, but C. G. Jung was the first to explore these two fundamental ways of interacting with the world in a psychological context. In his book Psychological Types, published in 1921, he looks at the...
Fertility, Working with What Is
The word fertility can conjure images of round pregnant bellies, or a field rich with flowers being pollinated by adorable bees, or the food we are blessed to eat from our earth……or tearful women and men because fertility is not coming easily to them. It’s difficult...
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The Center For Healing Arts & Sciences
320 Branard St, Houston, TX 77006
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